Assembly Talk @ Sembawang Primary (21 Apr)

SBP Low n tchr    SBP speak

Ms Tan Si Yi, HOD Science of Sembawang Primary, invited Earth Society to conduct an Assembly talk in the school on 21 Apr. This is the 3rd year that Sembawang Primary invited us to the school.

On 21 Apr, Earth Society members arrived at Sembawang Primary at 9am.We set up booth at the school canteen from 9 to 10.30am to distribute leaflets on eco-friendly websites to the students
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At 10.30am, we moved to the school hall to conduct an Assembly talk to the school cohort. We showed how Global warming is affecting the planet, spoke on the recent Dry spell in Singapore and presented ways to reduce climate change. The students listened attentively and participated in a Quiz at the end of the talk.

After the talk, we left Sembawang Primary by 11.30am.

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