Online GW talk for UOB Client (Apr)

Ms Maureen Tan, Marketing and Business Development Manager (Workplace Banking) in UOB Bank collaborated with Earth Society to provide an online Global Warming talk for their client (Reda Production Systems) on 14 Apr. Ms Sherloy Teo, Senior Relationship Manager (Workplace Banking), hosted the online session.

On 14 Apr, Earth Society joined Ms Sherloy Teo (via MS Teams) at 1.40 pm. We conducted an online Global Warming talk for about 30 staffs from 2 pm to 2.45 pm. We presented on the effects of Climate change on the world and showcased various solutions that scientists recommended to curb climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We also touched on the issue of deforestation and world hunger. Reda Production Systems staffs listened attentively to the talk.

After the talk, Ms Sherloy Teo shared with the staffs on UOB deposit Accounts available for the staffs (eg. UOB One Account, UOB Lady’s Savings Account).

We are glad that UOB Bank is collaborating with Earth Society to provide Environmental talks for their clients. Let’s hope the green message spread far and wide.

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