Online Talk @ NTU Binjai Hall (Jan)

In Jan 2022, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Binjai Hall hosted a Meatless Monday event in the hall.

Ms Tracy Chow, Head of the Environmental Awareness division of Binjai Aware, wrote an email to invite Earth Society to conduct a 30 mins talk about the impact of eating meat on the environment and the health benefits of eating a balanced diet.

The initiative aims to instil habits that allow Binjai residents to make conscious decisions to reduce meat consumption and cultivate long term healthy eating habits.

On 17 Jan, Earth Society joined Ms Tracy Chow (via Zoom) at 6 pm. We conducted a “Impact of Meat / Health Benefits of Veg Diet” talk for about 40 students from 6 pm to 6.40 pm.

We presented on the detrimental effects the meat diet has on the Environment (Deforestation/ Green house gas emissions/ Depletion of food and water resources) and showcased the Health benefits of adopting a more plant-based diet. (Reduce cholesterol, Reduce risk of Cancer and Heart disease etc). The students listened attentively to the talk.

After the talk, Ms Tracy Chow helped to gather some feedback from students and email us the feedback.

Feedback from Students:

1. Better than expected, because the speaker has a lot of interesting facts. Feel more motivated to eat vegan food

2. Quite informative, didn’t know there was an Happy Cow app for Veg food.

3. Amazing talk, learnt a lot. Now I’m more AWARE of the types of food I consume. Looking forward to more of such events! 🙂

4. Thanks for the sharing, it was very informative. Really enjoyed the infographics of various degrees of harm to the planet, and about which
vegetables are high in protein.

5. Food was amazing and I loved the facts and statistics regarding the
current context. Numbers help get a sense of how critical the situation is.

6. The talk is very educational. It is far from boring, since there were a lot of interactions happening. This also help further raise awareness on a topic which is widely known. I have learnt a lot from it, like rearing cattles/cows produce massive amount of CO2 and greenhouse gas, and there are  a lot of wastages when raising them.    Overall, it is an enriching and educational experience.

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