Assembly talk @ Woodlands Primary (15 Sep)



Ms Sharifah, a teacher in Woodlands Primary, invited Earth Society to conduct an Assembly talk for the upper primary students on 15 Sep.

On 15 Sep, Earth Society team reached Woodlands Primary at 7.30am. We conducted a Global Warming Assembly talk for the P4 to P6 students from 7.45 to 8.15 am. Students and teachers listened attentively to the talk.

After the talk, we set up a booth at the school canteen to gather feedback and pass more info to interested teachers and students. We manned the booth from 8.30 am to 10.30 am.

Students’ Feedback:
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The lesson is great! It had taught me the dangers of Global warming! As I like penguins, I would like to save the Earth to save the penguins’ habitat. I learnt that there will be meatout Thursdays in the future, hope that it will be successful. – Lee Guan Feng, P6, Woodlands Primary

I enjoyed the presentation in the hall just now as the videos shared are very cute. I find that I can help the world in reducing global warming and other disasters.                              – Ellie Chong, P6, Woodlands Primary

I learn that we must protect our Mother Earth, I wish our mother Earth will get well soon. I will try to save the world by doing the 3 Rs.  – Dai Yi Hua, P5, Woodlands Primary


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