NTU GreenFest (14 to 15 Mar)



Ms Phneah Swee Xin, Events Executive from Nanyang Technological University Earthlink, invited Earth Society to set up a booth during their NTU GreenFest event on 14 & 15 Mar. This is the 3rd year NTU Earthlink invited us to their event. Other organizations that participated in the event include NParks, NEA, SEC, PM Haze etc.

gm-logoOn 14 Mar, NTU Earthlink invited Professor Alexander Zehnder to grace the opening ceremony for EarthFest. At the opening ceremony, NTU Earthlink launched Green Monday, a movement to encourage students to go-Veggie-one-day-a-week (on Mondays) to reduce climate change and to conserve the food and water resources of the planet.



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On 14 and 15 Mar, Earth Society members set up and manned a booth at NTU LT1A Canopy K from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm. At our booth, students watched a 2 mins video clip on “How Global Warming is affecting the world?”. After watching the clip, they would answer 2 questions based on the video to get a stamp on their GreenFest card. When they have completed the activities in their GreenFest card, they can exchange the card for a token prize from NTU Earthlink.

At the end of the event, many students showed interest in the ways to reduce global warming and signed up in our email list to receive more information on environmental protection.


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