PM Haze Exhibition @ Vivocity

Haze_Yi Han  Haze Exhibits

PM Haze (People’s Movement to Stop Haze), from Young NTUC, has partnered with Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) to put up a Haze exhibition from 7 to 9 Nov @ Vivocity ground floor.

They aim to help people understand more about the causes of the haze, the efforts being taken to fight it, and opportunities for people in Singapore to take action instead of just suffering in silence.

Mr Tan Yi Han, one of the founder of PM Haze, invited Earth Society members to attend the Haze Exhibition.
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On 07 Nov, Earth Society members visited the Haze Exhibition booth in Vivocity shopping mall. Volunteers from PM Haze lead us to tour the exhibits and explained the haze situation to us. We learn that the haze is a result of burning of peat lands for agriculture purpose.

More info on PM Haze and their exhibition can be found in their website:


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